The UFO Connection Chat

Welcome to The UFO Connection chat! If this room is empty, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional chat rooms. If chat roll is not working, use the pop out button on the bottom right hand of the chat. There are five additional UFO Chat rooms at the bottom of the page. The UFO Connection Chat Moderator, Mark


Monday, September 29, 2008

Aliens on Mars

Many have speculated, are there aliens on Mars? The anwser is yes, there are aliens on Mars. Alien lifeforms in microbial form apparently do live there, but did sentinent alien beings ever live there? The question comes from the fact that Mars used to apparently have flowing rivers and a temperate climate that may have had oxygen in it. Could there perhaps be the ruins of an alien society under the vast red dirt of mars, AND JUST WHY HAVENT WE GONE THERE YET? StumbleUpon

Thursday, September 25, 2008

UFOs and technology

Have we contacted aliens? Is the government lying to us? Just where is the new technology coming from? In the last 100 years, there have been countless technological advances, that have dwarfed the technological advances in the past. Is this in itself reason to believe that humans have secretly contacted aliens and made a deal with them? It is one of the most interesting UFO theorys. Humans are often quick to pat them selves on the back for our great technology. Cellphones, atomic bombs,cars,planes,tanks,submarines,massive battleships and computers have all come out within the last 100 years. Is there an extraterrestial influence, discuss it here! StumbleUpon

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Additional UFO Chat Rooms

Here are some additional UFO chat rooms. Email me at MWALL614@AOL.COM if you want your chat room added to my page!

Webe UFO Believers Chat

Real UFOs Chat

UFO Blogger Chat

Disclose TV Chat

Hubble Image of the day

Planet Alignment

Moon Phase