The UFO Connection Chat

Welcome to The UFO Connection chat! If this room is empty, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional chat rooms. If chat roll is not working, use the pop out button on the bottom right hand of the chat. There are five additional UFO Chat rooms at the bottom of the page. The UFO Connection Chat Moderator, Mark


Friday, February 22, 2008

The UFO Connection

The UFO Connection, does it have spirtual roots? And if so, what role does that play? That is what this website is about. The connection between UFOs and the place where "spirits" come from. We attempt to break down peice by peice the whole situation here, and give people an accurate view of what's going down without being biased. We accept that there is UFOs out there, or at least something is out there! StumbleUpon


aja said...

if ufos and their occupants are materialisng out of nothing (as it appears to us) then to my thinking they are coming from a higher dimension (that is not normally visible to us as 3D creatures). higher dimenions can be 4, 5, even up to 7, to be visible to some of us attuned to see them. so, they might be on the same level as spirits. however, in my thinking, I'd say that those occasions where spirits of deceased loved ones and ET appearing together is probably just a screen image/memory that the ET is projecting to fool us. I would be wary of those.
Separate sightings of spirits of the departed are possible especially 6 weeks after their death, pyschics see them a lot.


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