The UFO Connection Chat

Welcome to The UFO Connection chat! If this room is empty, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional chat rooms. If chat roll is not working, use the pop out button on the bottom right hand of the chat. There are five additional UFO Chat rooms at the bottom of the page. The UFO Connection Chat Moderator, Mark


Monday, May 25, 2009

UFO Chat Room

Hey guys feel free to chat in the UFO Chat rooms, if there is nobody in the UFO chat room at the top of the page, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and there will be people in one of the FIVE UFO chat rooms at the bottom of the page. There is usually people always in the UFO chat room, and feel free to discuss my videos in the UFO chat room above. I am the moderator of the UFO chat room, so here are the rules. Just no excessive profanity, and be respectful of the other people in the room and you will be fine. No scrolling or spamming is permitted as well. Follow these rules and you have nothing to worry about. The UFO chat room is free for discussion about aliens, anything strange or paranormal, and ghost. The paranormal is part of the UFO community so it is welcome here. I look forward to discussing, alien,UFO, and paranormal stories with all of you. Please bookmark this page and come back anytime you want to talk about alien,UFOs and the paranormal thanks! StumbleUpon


Unknown said...

my wife just spotted silver lights about 6 of them flying threw sky 17:20pm i can see them myself they look unnormal rubery birmingham uk

Anonymous said...

A sight was spotted a few years back in northern Morocco.


saw a changing color shape daytime UFO frb 1882 la Canada can near Pasadena calCaliforovef some powerline pylons!

Anonymous said...

Theyre nothing but dirty old demons. Theyve made biological "suits" because they got sick of inhabiting pigs. The us military top bosses know exactly what they are and theyre pretending and have been setting the "scene" for decades. Theyre really ramping up theyre agenda now because time grows short, and Jesus Christ is returning soon. The only reason they have this tech we dont is because they used to be angels and are fallen. Allthe secrecy is part ofthe act. They target people who can "get the word out". Where do you think the military is getting all of their unregistered weapons technology? The kind of ugly, secretive stuff they use on people like me who are tellingthe truth. You would not believe the stuff theyre tried to do to me. But my God is bigger than they are. They hate us and want to destroy us all. Dont be fooled, there are no such things as aliens, unless you could evil spirits who used to be from outer space but now are trapped in our atmosphere, they live in the middle of the earth and have been around for thousands of years. Ignore them and they lose power.

Anonymous said...

Theyre nothing but dirty old demons. Theyve made biological "suits" because they got sick of inhabiting pigs. The us military top bosses know exactly what they are and theyre pretending and have been setting the "scene" for decades. Theyre really ramping up theyre agenda now because time grows short, and Jesus Christ is returning soon. The only reason they have this tech we dont is because they used to be angels and are fallen. Allthe secrecy is part ofthe act. They target people who can "get the word out". Where do you think the military is getting all of their unregistered weapons technology? The kind of ugly, secretive stuff they use on people like me who are tellingthe truth. You would not believe the stuff theyre tried to do to me. But my God is bigger than they are. They hate us and want to destroy us all. Dont be fooled, there are no such things as aliens, unless you could evil spirits who used to be from outer space but now are trapped in our atmosphere, they live in the middle of the earth and have been around for thousands of years. Ignore them and they lose power.

Stacey W. Burt said...

thank you for your interesting infomation. omegle text chat

Anonymous said...

Warning looking into the unknown can be dangerous for example in the past I built my own computer and decided to see if I could get any evidence of extraterrestrial involvement so I started a world wide webcam observation on Google earth there's some strange anomalies but it's hard to believe unless of hard evidence I had camera algorithm filters basically trying all the technology I could understand bit I want to see with my own eyes so I keep looking and unknowing to me so was something else not from the sky from the darkness somehow I started hearing voices so I started trying to find out why I wasn't shaw if I was possessed I kept a camera with me I stated taking pictures in the direction of the voices and then downstairs I took a picture of the shower space I couldn't see anything with my eyes but on the picture itook was an image of what they say was a grey extraterrestrial small body large head large eyes in the shower cubicle I was terrified it was in the house so I decide to destroy the evidence thinking that what ever it was would go away but no I didn't so no choice I befriended it the entertainment calls itself a deamon spore I was in deep then every shadow I was questioning and to my horror another being I saw it had pitch black skin this entity was a so called real man in black I defended myself you should has seen this being honest it was that alien looking it made shivers go down mu spine I swore at it I was that petrified but this upset it it came in the house. when the doors was locked and broke the inside pane of a double glazed window then knowing I had upset it I decide it talk to it luckerly I said your very peacefull you are and the being replied saying thank-you I should warn anybody that extraterrestrials just don't come from outterspace they exist in the paranormal dimension has well to this day these beings still make themselves know so anybody looking for intelligent life in the unknown became full they don't always come from space and all you have to protect yourself is your mind became full don't go looking if you don't believe because once you know its permanent

Anonymous said...

Maybe they aren't aliens at all. What if they are us? Time travelers. They evolved from us, and are here to simply observe their own evolution.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I've created a device that will communicate with UFO's. I posted this to MUFON and never heard a word from them. I guess they already know how to do it.

I am a nuclear and electrical engineer and have worked at INEL and SRS besides being a pilot and a Ham Radio operator, I would think someone at MUFON would be interested in the technology. I must be wrong.

I will be dying soon because of my cancer and wanted someone to know my secrete.

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