The UFO Connection Chat

Welcome to The UFO Connection chat! If this room is empty, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional chat rooms. If chat roll is not working, use the pop out button on the bottom right hand of the chat. There are five additional UFO Chat rooms at the bottom of the page. The UFO Connection Chat Moderator, Mark


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Strange Post in The Chatroom

Reviewing the post in the chatroom as I always do whenever I visit my blog. I came across an interesting post by one of the guest claiming to have worked for the department of defense. Here is what he said.

Guest330 (guest): I have to tell someone
Nov 10 2009, 2:43 PM
Guest330 (guest): I used to work for DOD, I have seen things, I can't talk about them or I go to jail for 30 years.... Just know I have seen things that prove that UFO do exist and I have seen our Stratigic response to them.

We would love to hear more Guest330, you can rest assured you would remain anonymous if you can find a public computer to use or untraceable computer. Thanks. StumbleUpon

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