The UFO Connection Chat

Welcome to The UFO Connection chat! If this room is empty, please scroll down to the bottom of the page for additional chat rooms. If chat roll is not working, use the pop out button on the bottom right hand of the chat. There are five additional UFO Chat rooms at the bottom of the page. The UFO Connection Chat Moderator, Mark


Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Man on Mars, A closer look

Remember the picture of the Man on Mars that sent chills down our spine? Well NASA says it was only a two inch piece of rock and it was just a fun picture for them to release. Here are some photo enhanced pictures of the "man on mars". Well I don't agree with the one alien throwing another down, it is cool to see this pic in different a in a different light, so to speak. Is this proof of life on Mars or is it just a rock


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